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Howe CC;Rose KP;Ferrick J;Pines R;Pardo A; (n.d.). Improving developmental positioning in a level III NICU using evidence-based teaching and a standardized tool: An evidence-based Quality Improvement Project. Neonatal network : NN. p. 273

  • Type: Research Article o Status: Published
  • Year Published: 2022

Retrieved October 11, 2022, from

Sasaninia, B., Ghobadi, R., Cryder, Z., Wube, S., Juloya, G., Weston, B., Seo, S., Lee, J., Pardo, A., Orozco-Cardenas, M., and Nothnagel, E.A. 2015. Organ localization of a methylated cell wall sugar in transgenic tobacco expressing a moss methyltransferase gene. 9th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium Program Book, p. 14, University of California, Riverside. April 29, 2015.

  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations o Status: Published
  • Year Published: 2015

Ghobadi, R., Sasaninia, B., Cryder, Z., Wube, S., Juloya, G., Weston, B., Seo, S., Lee, J., Pardo, A., Orozco-Cardenas, M., and Nothnagel, E.A. 2015. Expression of a moss methyltransferase that produces 3- O-methyl-galactosyl residues in transgenic tobacco. 9th Annual Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Symposium Program Book, p. 5, University of California, Riverside. April 28, 2015.

  • Type: Conference Papers and Presentations o Status: Published
  • Year Published: 2015